Distribution Leads Content: Design Your Campaign to Maximize Strengths

Distribution Leads Content: Design Your Campaign to Maximize Strengths


Digital vs. Print Campaigns

One of the fundamental principles of media development is that distribution always leads content. You’ve likely heard of this concept before as “the medium is the message.” It simply means that whatever form of media or distribution you’re using will determine the most effective and impactful type of content you produce.

If you’re making a pop song, avoid making it thirty minutes long. If you’re making a feature film, stick to three acts and a two hour runtime. Likewise, when it comes to developing a modern marketing campaign, it’s wise to ensure that both your print and digital content is maximizing the unique strengths of their respective distribution.

The chart above lays bare just how foolish the entire “print vs. digital” debate has been. It’s not a choice between the two, and neither is more effective than the other. They each have unique strengths that lend themselves well to certain types of content. If they aren’t working for you, you might be doing it wrong.

Have you been spending time and money on long-form, in-depth digital content, and wondering why it isn’t burning up social media? Are you making quick, newsy content for print and wondering why no one is passing it around, spreading the word? Your distribution is not leading the content, your medium is not guiding your creative and editorial message.

Print & Digital Campaign Case Studies:




Full Spectrum Media Campaigns

As you can see in those examples, not only are Print and Digital not in competition with each other, they are at their most effective when working together. The brand message comes through clear and powerful on each channel because the content has been tailored exclusively around that channel’s core strengths.

Just the same as digital content trying to meet print content objectives is ineffectual, a digital campaign that isn’t tied to a print campaign is inherently weaker than it should be. Together they are more powerful, and each successive channel you integrate, activations or social media for instance, provide more advantages, more reach, and more return. Going all-digital or all-print is just plain missing out.